When my Periyamma commented about collecting Hot wheel car toys, I remembered about Concrete mixer. I love that vehicle very very much. I see its picture from my vehicle book. Yesterday three real Concrete mixers came near to my house. My Chella Patti took me out of the house and I was seeing them.
When my Mom asks me, how the Concrete mixer rotates, I show actions with my hand and make brrbbrrrrr..brrbbbrrrrrr sound
My Papa was saying he would get a real Car after he comes from US. Papa can you get me a real Concrete mixer???
So Sweet of you Aaru and the picture also looks good..I will get you a cute little concrete mixer to play with ..
Hey Aryan why not ask your mummy to learn to drive a "concrete Mixer" so that you could take a ride on it once you buy one ;-)
wow! but aryan where will u keep the real concrete mixer?
That sounds like fun.. you should ask your papa to take you to the US.. Nantu once climbed behind the steering wheel of tractors and dump trucks and many such contraptions at the local library (they had arranged this for children to play!!!!).. as for a toy concrete mixer.. there are many in the US, am not sure about India.. I am sure you must get one there too ... or ask papa to bring you a toy one for now!!
Aryan ... concrete mixer may be a little too small for all your family members to ride on ... pls consider something different :)
You are so good at making sounds Aryan ! I would love to hear all those in person if your mum lets me visit you when I am in Hyderabad next !!
Periyamm—When are coming to Hyderabad to give me the conceret mixer???
Wunderyearz mommy—Ahh..My mom has a history of dashing a auto with her car, on the day of her driving license test. poor papa got scared and sold that car..heheheh
Rayshama akka—I park it in the basement.
Preethi Mommy—Thanks a lot for giving me wonderful idea. Papa please read this..
CA—Why don't I consider a tipper lorry???
2B's Mom—When are you coming to HYD?
Aryan, if u want someone to recommend to ur papa to get u a real concrete mixer, I will do the job!!!
I was there just about a year back, so don't know when will I visit Hyd again :-( But whenver it is, I sure hope to meet you !
Hi Aryan's mom !
Thanks for leaving a comment in my blog. Visitng here for the first time...looks like my daughter Shraddha and Aryan are just 2 months apart..so we will have lots of similar stories !!!
Aryan - KB loves the concrete mixer too. He says "Bowang bowang" rolling his fingers if I ask him about it...I drive the car slowly if I spot one on the street so KB can look at it!
Happy Sankranti to you Aryan. You have been unusually quiet - whats up? Hope to see a post on what have you been upto for last couple of days - soon !
Timepass Akka—Thanks thanks thanks..
2b's mommy—Happy Shankaranthi to you too...My mom was at home with me for the past three four days and thus I did not allow her to sit in front of the computer. Going to post right now
Ranjini mom—I hope soon I will meet Sharadha..
Noon mommy—Hhaha..KB also likes..So I am not the odd one..
Swathi mommy—Does Chubby Aryan like concrete mixer??
Boys will be boys! eh?
Hello Aryan, thanks for stopping by. Kutie loves any trucks and for the concrete mixer he calls its "apple truck" - since one of the pictures he has for this truck looks almost like the truck is carrying a very big apple!
How quickly associations are made ...
K3 Mommy—Welcome to my space
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