Ohohoo…I totally forgot to upload the photos of my toys that my Papa got from US. Here we go.
Last week my Papa got one Jula (Swing) for me. I love to swing in it. Only my Papa rocks me in Jula, no one else rocks me. So I eagerly wait for my Papa to come from office and as soon as he comes, I don’t even allow him to remove his shoe. I point my fingers towards the Jula and say Juahha Juahha and instruct him to put me in Jula. I sit happily……rocking and blabbering some words…..
After 15- 20 minutes, My Mom comes and tells me, Aryan come on get out of the Jula. I refuse. Then she tells, Aryan Jula is sleepy and you should not disturb anyone who is feeling sleepy, so come on get out. I still refuse. Then she says, Aryan come on I will put Om Shanthi Om song, get out of the Jula. (Can’t she understand that I can listen to OM Shanthi Om song even from Jula???)
This time I hold the jula rope tightly…

Atlast she comes and pats the Jula and starts saying..”Jo jo Jula rei rei Jula…” Now this Jula is always sleepy and thus it sleeps as soon as my Mom pats it. ahhh..she somehow makes the sleepy Jula to sleep. Now what to do??? I sadly get out of the Jula and keep wondering when the Jula will wake up from sleep.
What do you say Mommy friends…?????
Hi aaru kutty
I think mom is fooling you dear.. she is telling this to make you come out of jhoola...oh my innocent aaru.....
Aryan, ur mom has so neatly arranged the gifts..or is it u??
That was so sweet! :)
hahahah..this sleepy jula is too funny. Aryan also enjoys Jula
What wonderful gifts your papa got for you ... that's just perfect insn't it? Have fun!
haha... how adorable!! aryan, someday, u're gonna show this pic in the jhula to ur gurlfren/wife... :)
and heyy, the jhula can't be fresh & happy unless u let it sleep. u also should sleep... so u're fresh & happy too! :0)
You r so lovely...Can I share your jula..I hope your dad will get another jula which is fresh.. and then I will definetely share that Jula with you ok
I like your books, games and stuff is all that yours amazing...I love your Mom
I love you as well
Hi Aryan's Mom...
First time here. Was wondering if you would email me:
Hi Aryan...
You seem to enjoy the jula.. Don't let mommy trick you :)
heyy.. .just saw ur comment.. i have been updating... try clearing ur cache & reloading the page.. happens with me too sometimes, that i can't see the updates.. :)
hi aryan
im new here, nice blog you have.
it was my first, hey i see your a year old, im just three months old.
any advice that you can give me on life in general seeing that you are more experienced?
all help will be welcome, you see life at the moment is very confusing for me
wow nice toys..
hiba has this huge hammock in which even we can accommodate with her, but we hardly take it out.. coz once out, it shouldn't stop swinging!! even if shes fast asleep! she wakes up the moment it come to a hault and its so frustrating to keep on giving her swings in the middle of chaotic times in mornings! sigh!
hope you are having a good time with the new books and toys.
have fun. mwaaaah
WOW, nice toys, lucky you !
dear aunty, thank you for your nice message :-) these days im just keepig mommy on her toes, 24 hrs.. hee hee
Hi there fellow mommy,
your blog is REALLY cool ! and aryan is very cute indeed ! unfortunately Emaan doesn't have my milk, and is bottle fed.. so faces a lot of probs.. gas, constipation etc... hope he grows out of it soon..
wud be grateful if u can also put up stuff on how, when and what to feed Emaan semi-solids and solids. Wud be a big help to dumb mommies like myself !
Hi Aryan, hope your having fun with your new toys!
Your mom is trying to trick you Aryan! Don't let her do it...enjoy your jula and go weeeeeeeee
Periyamma—Is she fooling me..No no she will not..
Timepass Akka—My mom arranged, I tried to help her, but she said she is not lokking for my help and took me and gave me to my papa...poor me..
Nm mommy—Thanks and bellated happy birthday to Anirudh Bhayya....
Swathi Mommmy—We both are like bonds...
K3 mommy—Send kutie for a play date na..We will play with the concrete mixer and the truck...
Rayshma AKKA—Ahh..I bet I will..show to my Girl friend.. Your logic about Jula sounds convincing...BTW—My mom still is not able to see your updates..She deleted the cache..when will we see your Updates??????
Angel AKKa—Thanks, you can some home and sharre my jula...I love you to..HUgs
Tharani mommy—My mom is your fan..She loves loves the way you write...She will send it soon...
Asha Mommy—You are right I should not let my Mommy fool me...
Emaan—Welcome to my blog..We will share lots and lots of things...
Hiba's Mom—Thanks..keeep hiba in the swing na...
priyanka Akka—Soon you will have to get these toys...
emaan'S mommy—I have done a post on my food habits, here are the links—
Ramya Mommy—Thanks..I love Jula
Mynanhipari Mommy—Did you try to fool sonu like this???? why my Mom is doing this....
Aryan is so cute!! everybody needs to get the sleep!!
Wow - I love all your toys. Esp the yellow construction ones...so perfect in size and looks so good. Now I need to know where he got it - I keep looking for small size constructions toys like that - I find such big ones in the stores. Great choice by your papa! And your swing - lovely. Am glad KB doesn't have one at home for he too like you will want to sit on it to eat, sleep and even shower! :)
Awww, you are so innocent Aryan, don't let your mom trick you ! hehehe...
Yo have arranged your books and toys so well.
Swathi Mommy—Thanks
Noon Mommy—hmm..My papa got it from some shop in willmington. Need to ask him. Will let you know. I would love to play with KB...
2b's Mommy—Hmm will not fall in mommy' trick now...
My kid, Zaid, is having Jhula which always remains fresh but Zaid use to sleep while swinging.. LOL.
I ll inform ur papa to bring same jhula for u ;o)
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