There was a time when I faced transition very bravely. I was happy with both the grandmas. This time it has become very very difficult.
PAPA came from US. He got five cars, one concrete mixer, one tipper lorry, one crane, one mud lorry, one tonga, one concrete mixer T shirt, and lots and lots of books. My favorite one is the fire engine book. Soon my Mom will post the photos…now she is in rigmarole because of me.
I don’t understand Marathi…My Nagpur grandma speaks Marathi and I do not understand anything…
I ask her THaaa…for something, she shows Tataaa
I asked her about KAKA (Crow) and she thinks I am talking about KAKA (Uncle in Marathi)
I only understand Tamil and English. My Mama and Papa talks in English and My Chella patti and my Mom talks in Tamil…
Now, in Koo chuku chuku..train..my Chella patti went to TVM, when my papa came. My Nagpur grandma came to take care of me…I miss my Chella patti a lot..
Now I cry cry cry..
Yesterday I cried from 9 am to 12:00 noon… Did not eat anything the whole day and was just waiting for Mom to come from office. My Papa came early to take care of me.
Today also I am crying my level best and will try to make my Mom come home. She is super busy in office nowadays, because my Moms big boss came from US, thus she doesn’t come early…poor me
My Mom thinks that to avoid the language confusion she will put me in the Day care, where they talk English and Hindi. Yesterday my Papa and Mama went in search of one.
The funny thing is that the baby sitters in that day care talk in Telugu…Ahh one more language to confuse me….
oh aaru
I feel pity dear.. how many languages ur going to learn, Tamil, English, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu....ohh god...
By the way, do not cry too much dear...it will affect your health. You should eat food properly. Mom will as usual come in the evening...until then you have to stay with Nagpur grandma.
your Nagpur grandma will also love you as much as your patti ... don't worry.
Try the sign language with her ... at your age, learning new language is very fast ... so don't fret !
You have got so many gifts now.. You will slowly get settled in with Nagpur grandma..and pl eat food on time..
Ohh Aryan ..your friend is in same boat. Me and his father speak to him in Hindi or English. At day care they speak Tamil and English. Sometimes Kannada too. In all 4 different languages.. he has same problem. I discussed with his doc too and day care owner as well and both said it doesnot matter much. Just that he will start speaking a little late but end of the day he will understand all the languages. Well , I am not convinced fully , but I dont have a choice. I have seen kids in bangalore understanding so many languages and so i think its ok. My friend's 3 year old speaks hindi , english , tamil and kannada as the maid is from karnataka and driver from TN, while they are north indians.
So i don't think putting in day care will help unless they use Tamil / English.
Oh dear,
and Telugu.
That's 5 languages for one little child.
Tell you what Aryan, you just go ahead and use your own Aryan language and never mind about the rest. All your friends, relatives and carers will have to learn what you are saying.
Note for your mamma: When Apya first went to full day-care (aged about 2) she didn't know any English. We gave her carers a whole list of Urdu words and phrases with translation and transliteration and helped them pronounce a few of the phrases,so they would be able to reassure her in her own language when we were gone. They told us that this was very helpful in the early days while she was settling in. Of course,once she had picked up English words, there was no problem.
Maybe you could try something similar with your daycare providers.
I hope Aryan is enjoying himself with his cars and trucks.
aww! poor Aryan. more than the language, I think he misses his Chella patti. Dont worry abt his communication abilities, he'll learn everything all at once and till he does, he will get his point across somehow. and as MummyJaan said, Aryanspeak will trump all!
WOW ... cars, trucks ... you must be in paradise, Aryan. ENJOY!
As for being confused in the language pool, do not fret - its good to learn everything now, you never know where life will take you later on!
BTW, Aryan's mom - expose him to some songs in different languages, they pick it up real soon then! At least thats the case with Kutie.
Learning these languages will be fun, Aryan ! Do let me know about your new day care.
Aryan - first the fun stuff - wow - all your new toys - can KB and I come and play with you?! :) Do post pics of you playing with all your new toys OK! Tipper truck too - my God! :)
And language - hope you learn all these languages - see Aryan then no one can talk secret languages that you can't understand - you will get it all :) I am sure you miss chella patti - I feel sad for you...I knwo that feeling! Take care. Am sure soon you will have a great time with this grandma also!
Periyamma—I miss my chella pati
Cantaloupes Amma—Hmm I think you are right. I should signal her with my body language.
Timepass Akka—Coming to play with me?? Some times my MOm gets bored playing...
Swathi Mommy—Oh same problem for my friend Chubby Aryan also???? Cross talk from my MOM—Unity in diversity...
MummyJann—I love you. Hugs..I liked it..Aryan's Language...
Kodi's Mom—Thanks you mommy..I will be multi-lingual I guess..
K3 Mom—I am really loving the car that Papa got. I have many cars now..I wish I had a play date with kutie...
2 b's mommy—That sad day care post will happen on Monday, because I am going to start from monday...
noon Mommy—I would love to love to share the concrete mixer with him..I have two..I also have tipper. We both will excavate the mud from the park..and put it in the mud carrying lorry. KB talks Tamil right?...
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