My Mom has two more tags pending. One to write about a cherished possession that rewinds her thoughts and other to write about her love story..I am not restricting her to write,she is LAZY. But she will do it soon.
She is all happy and dancing because she got an award from Swathi mommy for being the best blogging buddy…
Hip hurray…Thanks Swathi mommy for making us happy.
Now My Mom officially AWARD this to ALL MY BLOGGING BUDDIES. Each comment and every person visiting my blog makes her happy. Thanks everybody. There was a time when she thought of putting an end to this blog as she thought that no one was reading it. Then she discovered the blogging world around her…and now she is proud to take this award.
Now back to my updates
Day one:
Morning—After my convalesces, my Mom went to office. My Chella patti fed me the breakfast. As soon as she finished, I hurriedly drank some water, took my Mom’s nightdress, and went near to my jula. (I always keep my Moms nightdress with me when I sleep in jula). I asked her to put me in the jula and rock. My chella patti rocked and I slept.
Afternoon—As soon as I finished eating my lunch, I asked my chella patti to rock me in jula. Even though she knew that, I am not sleepy, she rocked me. She was thinking that I am tired and she rocked rocked and rocked…for an hour. Then she got angry and took me out and said Aryan what do you want. Why are you not sleeping…?
I did not hint her about my hidden thoughts. I just went to play…
Night—Same scenario, I want to sleep as soon as I have my food. My mom was there and she was questioning me for my quiescent behavior. My Mom rocked and I slept.
Thus I escaped from medicines…ahh big relief..

Day Two
The same drama continued till the evening. My chella patti was thinking, Pavam Aryan is so tired let him sleep. Now that he is kind of regaining his health, let me not give him medicine.
At night, when my Mom came she understood my tactics. Little did I know that even though I act as if I am feeling sleepy after food, my Mom will for sure give me medicines and then only make me sleep.
She said, “Aryan even though you are sleepy, you have to drink medicine till you are completely alright. Then only you can sleep”.
All my drama of feeling sleepy was in vain. I just managed to escape from medicine for one day. The next day my mom crushed my plans and she gave medicines promptly.
Are Mommies are smarter than kiddies!!!
Hi Aaru kutty,
Playing pranks with paati and mom and escaping from medicines????...so clever u are....
Wow - pretty smart move from you Aryan! Look at you sitting happily in your jhula like a little king!
Nope ..you kids always get smarter than mommies. Even your friend sleeps before medicine time.
hahaha... smart Aryan kutti... the pic looks so lovely.. you look liek you really enjoy the jhula!!
Congrats! Nice pic of little Aaru ... he sure looks like the king! :)
Periyamma—Difficult to escape from their hands...
Noon Mommy—Thanks for your sweet comment. I love to rock in jula.
Swathi mommy—you said it..Kiddies are smarter than mommies...
Preethi mommy—Yes..I love jula. My MOm is planning to remove it. Please tell her not to do it.
K3 Mommy—Thanks a lot..What is a KING???
Nice pic Aryan.. BTW i forgot to mention in my blog that u tagged me..guess why..cause I am basking in the glory of u calling me Timepass akka... u have just slashed my age dear
Hi Aryan,
came by to thank your mom for stopping by my blog and found out the cute lil you speaking here :).
Hello there sweety- you can call me Daisy aunty !
Aryan's mom
thats one smart lil guy you have!
Ha ha, smart move aryan, but mommy's smarter...that's right..the woman is smarter...good to see you up and about! By the way we had fixed the same kind of jhula for Chubbocks and puddi when they were small!
Your swing looks so cozy and comfortable....
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