My Mom and my chella patti are making plans to put me in day care from January 2008. The other day Mom was telling me that day care would have lot of kids. When I go to day care I should behave properly:
I should be brave,
I should not cry,
I should not disturb others. I should play with them.
I should eat my food properly. Every time they will not feed me.
I should sleep on my own. No jula and no krisha song
I should tell the caretaker when shi shoo comes.
I should play with whatever toys they give. They will not give me, lemon, Bottle, Mom’s photo, Mom’s comb, Onion, Spoons, Plates, Bowls and all such things to play with.
If I do not listen they will scold me or beat me?
I am little scared. What is this all about? Why should I go there?
Oh dear Aryan,
Dont be scared dear. Daycare will have lots of friends who will play with you and there will be lots of toys. You are a big boy now na, so you should learn to eat food by yourself. So, dont be afraid.
You will have lots of fun there Aryan - don't worry at all. Your mom should start getting worried incase you like it so much there that you wouldn't want to come back home with her at the end of the day ;-) hehehe
I am sure you will absolutely love it there, playing with kids your age and lots more activities to do !
Dear Aryan,
Its all the more difficult for your mom to send you to the Daycare.
Don't worry you will make a lot of friends there ,so much so that you might start crying at the thought of going back home.
oh oh.. no wonder you are scared Aryan.. even I am scared..
But i am sure you wil have fun playing with all the kids...
I just did a post on Chinipie's experience at the day-care..do read it
I am sure you are going to have a very good time at daycare Aryan! You can get so many new friends - imagine the fun!
Oh Aryan,
Daycare is loads of fun.. with more scope for mischeif!! And you will get some lovely new ideas from friends there!!! Why dont I introduce you to Nantu.. he is currently writing a thesis on how to bring trouble home from daycare!!!
You are gonna love it I promise!!
SVD, My sweet periamma...I will try not to be afraid..
2B's Mommy—I am believing you mommy..
wunderyearz—Thanks for encourgaging me..I will be brave and will go. Yes, I wish my Mom is not scared..
Swati Mommy—I think I will be independent..I read chinipie's experience!!!!!
MNamma—Taking your word for granted mnamma..If I am not having fun.. will you take me to your home???? I will play with M and N.
Ahh Preethi mommy—You are right I should talk to Nantu and get some good advise...
Hey your Mumma planning to work or is she working ? Dont be scared your friend Aryan goes to one , from past 6 months approx. He is just doing fine :)
Yes Swathi Mommy(Another Aryan's Mom), I saw the picture in his blog. He was very happy in his day care..
I think I should talk to my friend, Aryan, and get the strength. My mom is more scared than me. She is working from my third month. Both my grandmas are employed on a contract basis to take care of me. But now my Mom feels I am more pampered at home and thus she wants me to put in the day care....
don't be scared Aryan mommy. I know Aryan would do good.. I apologise if my post added to your fears..
Aryan, Am sure you will have loads of fun!
I have something for you in my blog post's comment too.. Again, I am sorry to have aggravated your confusion..
Would love to have kutti Aryan over at our home :) M and N would go crazy with joy!
Oh Aryan - please do remember to miss Mom - or she will be heart broken! :)
Dear Aryan, hope you will have a nice time with kids of your age in daycare..Else Come over to my place!! we shall play together
Swathi—Hi this is Aryan's mom. I am gaining the strength. No way your post scared me. It just told the truth....
mnamma—Oh how can I come. By aeroplane?
Noon mommy—Yes, I will take your advice. Should not disappoint my Mom.
Timepass mommy—Heeiii..Will you give me Car toy to play with?
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