Monday, July 27, 2015

Number Twelve-Arjun's Antics

Mamma, “Arjun, what is the spelling of number 12?”

Arjun, “O N E- 1 and T W O- 2. Together it is 12”

Mamma, “Arjun, it is cannot be O N E and T W O. Anyway, tell me what is the spelling of the word Look”

Arjun, “L O C K’’

Mamma, “Arjun, what is the spelling of Banana?”

Arjun, “B A N A”

Mamma, “Why don’t you concentrate Arjun??”

Arjun, “Why don’t you keep quiet Mamma??” 

Arjun is really a easy going and fun loving boy.....

1 comment:

Swaram said...

Hehe love to both of you :)